With encounter episode being much talked about across the nation, it is time for us to ensure there is discipline among the youth. And its the need of the hour to make younger generation to discriminate between good and the evil. No gainsaying the fact that rape incidents are now quite common warranting action on a warfooting.
Undoubtedly, both parents and teachers have to play a proactive role in making the present gen follow the right path without any distraction more so towards bad habits. It is paramount for youngsters to possess good character to lead a peaceful life in their career after their studies.
Moral instruction classes is must in both schools and colleges in the present context of burgeoning crimes more particularly sexual crimes.
Two things – Liquor and Android phone – are the main cause for crime taking place. While liquor spoils the society, Android phone is corrupting the minds of the youth. Mostly liquor addicts involve in fatal road accidents and indulge in crimes.
Statistics reveal that on an average 5,000 people die in road accidents in Tamil Nadu. Right from primary schools to colleges, students are using the Android phones for watching pornography.
The newspapers and the electronic media too carry lot of negative news. It is high time for the powers that be to ban liquor vending in any form keeping in view of the welfare of the people. All the more, steps must be taken at national level to ensure Android phones is banned in India.
Be peaceful and let others also be peaceful. Live and let live.Om Shanthi.
—Dr K Bhakthavatsalam, Chairman, KG Hospital
KG Hospital Chairman’s Stress On Moral Education