“Vazhkai Vazhvatharke”, the two most beautiful and powerful words. The drama in the whole world is to enjoy the beauty of nature and life. Nature welcomes everybody to amuse its beauty and mesmerize the human soul. Life on the other hand wanted to give surprises at every step to keep the momentum alive. Nature and life are the life line for any existence in this world especially for human existence.
Humans are the blessed species in God’s creature. He created the best of everything in this universe for his happiness and enjoyment. We craved for more and more in everything. We started exploring the bits and pieces of nature’s gift. Our so called creator’s mind wanted to dwell in other planets too. So extended our horizon from Earth to Mars and never know the next place of our inhabitants. We create more surprises to nature and question the basics of existence. In return, nature surprises us with peril and disasters. Still, we are predicting the answers with assumptions only. Never a change!
Our maker’s mind questions the existence of human survival between life and death. We challenge them by creating expectations in all means. Right from conception of baby in the womb to peaceful sleep in the crematorium. In between the life, we have so much of demanding from self and others. Demanding on self tarnish the essence of life and demanding on others deteriorates the inner peace. In either case, damage is to an individual. When we realize this simple fact, we create the world of peace within self and emit its positivisms around us.
Expectation exceeds humanity and supersedes the acceptance of life. That’s where the human plays become pathetic and nature’s play becomes dramatic. Every human is born with innate gift. It’s the matter of fact that we always feel the gift of others and envy their presence around us. We never realized and unwrapped the gift of self. Acceptance of self and self life will help us to unfold the gift of life.
Chellam Narendiran
+91 – 98433 14949
Srijan Counselling Services
#happymind #happylife
Live A More Natural And Healthier Life