Learn To Live A New Normal Lifestyle

The perspective of life has changed drastically in the last few months for the entire world. The human thought of predicting the universe has given a tough time to researchers, scientists and astrologers. Things were way beyond our imagination and control. The days and nights seem to be the same. We are no different from any other living beings. Learned the new words pandemic, coronavirus or COVID19. Suddenly, the common man has become an expert in speaking about the virus, its virulence and the lethal effect on humans.
Basic hygiene has become the talk of the world. Brands and medical practitioners’ role has changed to educating the people on washing hands and showing how to wear the mask. For a moment, we felt like we had actually adapted to the western culture. Health and immunity have become the core concept for survival.
The body and health which has always been taken for granted have become the center of discussion. Homemade foods, Siddha or natural medicines have become the healthiest choice of eating. Appreciating the public department has become the trend. To their surprise, scavengers have been treated and respected well by the public and authorities. Their title has changed from cleaning staff to the cleanliness staff. The people who been considered as the most demanding and respectful persons are no more in the picture.
We meant home is the place to take rest and have a good time with family. Now, it has become a business place. Thought travel to the workplace is a must but its no more the must. Having time with family members and children is always been a debatable topic. Now they need personal space for themselves. Trying to understand that being away from each other, having space for self and taking time to do work at their own pace also helps in bonding the relationship.
We normally tell children to stay away from technology. Today, classes are online and need to spend hours and hours in front of the system. We teach them to socially interact with people but things are happening virtually. We also ask them to be human and treat others well. Wondering, how can I even know to be human when things are happening with tech mode. Utter confusion!
Overflooding hospitals are functioning with minimal practitioners and patients. The queued up surgery on the emergency note is postponed with no date. The critical patients are getting better on their health and showing improvements. Regular visitors to hospital even for minor ailments like leg pain, headache etc have started allowing the body to heal by itself and realized the body power of self healing. The fear of delay in medical attention has given them to be more self-aware of their health and diet. The so-called healthy patients got caught with fear and experiencing a panic attack or some health uneasiness. Nevertheless, they too started paying attention to health. The COVID scenario has changed the health perspective for the betterment of human life.
The weekend entertainments such as visiting malls, shopping, play stations, movies, travel, eating out, parties and get-togethers were very much essential then. The game of entertainment has changed now. Chess, carrom board, palankuli, dhayam, cards and so many indoor activities has become the family game. This created a bonding and supporting one other within the family. Started knowing neighbors and spending some time with them has become the new way of living. The money spent on entertainment has become the saving amount. This has given them the choice to choose between spending money or saving money.
The smart people who were nowhere in the business has become the entrepreneur in manufacturing mask and sanitizers. The business has changed the language of talking numbers to saving lives. The safety and security is always a choice and the last priority then. Now, it has become one of the core functioning of the organization. Losing jobs become predictable, no expectation on salary hike or fringe benefits and having an income is the blessing. The aspiration to expand business has become the second thought and sustaining is the key now.
The physiological and biological clock has naturally started adapting to the new life cycle. The materialistic things which were considered very much essential for a basic living have abruptly vanished from life. The fancy title and hefty pay which we enjoyed are giving a fear now. No more feeling happy with the job or bank balance. The family has become very essential, money becomes secondary, savings is a must and health is the paramount factor.
The mind is wandering for a safe and secure place to live. Thoughts are going left and right, words are coming out unknowingly, insecurity is high, become obsessive on health and hygiene. What not?
So much of irony is happening in life. Require to revamp the complete system. The mind has to process so many things differently. Situations are changing and people are reacting to the changes in a different manner. Not knowing what is appropriate. Understanding and responding have become the new skill to be learned. The situations have become the deciding factor and sustainability is the big challenge. Life is moving on with so many surprises. What next?
To be continued…
Chellam Narendiran
+91-98433 14949
Srijan Counselling Services

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