Positive Parenting Must For Healthy Relationship

Most of the time children gets influenced by their parents from the way they talking, mirroring their actions, demanding attention and influencing people. They see them as a role model, hero and heroines of their life. Such a wonderful moment for each parents to celebrate their parenthood.
In the changing world, things have been taking a different perspective in rearing a child. Most of the parents say parenting is challenging and tiresome with the current generation children. Parenting seems to be fading and subject to changing styles. They wanted to be over parenting, over protecting and over spoon feeding.
Parents are too much focused on child’s each and every move, much concerned about their academic score, wanted them to be multi-tasking, learn and act in fast pace, excel in extra and co-curricular activities and desired to be all-rounder and topper. Such an undue pressure from parental side depletes child’s performance, disturbs emotionally and develops behavioral problems. Parents need to realize that each child is unique and has different innate potential. It’s the duty of a parent to act as gardener to nurture each child based on its natural quality and temperament. The responsibility of a parent is to create an environment which accommodates the child as it is, provide nourishment to develop its skills and potential and encourage to excel. The focus has to be on helping the child to enhance its potential, accept its flaws, develop cognitive skills and encourage to take self-initiative.
According to The National Academy of Sciences, it delineates 4 major responsibilities for parents: (1) Health and safety of children (2) Promote emotional well-being (3) Instill social skills and (4) Prepare children intellectually. The studies suggest that the best adjusted children are reared by parents who find a way to encourage child, shows warmth and sensitive to their needs and wants. Parenting is an art with a creative approach to handle child’s emotion, manage behavioral concerns, and develop cognitive skills and interpersonal relationship. Parenting has to be unique and approach need to be customized based on child’s need and concern. This would help them in focusing on developing behaviors, managing emotions, handling rejections and accepting self and others. Positive parenting is the need of the hour which creates conducive environment for the child to grow and encourage healthy relationship with the parent.
Chellam Narendiran
Srijan Counselling Services
98433 14949

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